Saturday, October 29, 2016

Book Review #2

When you are reading books for the sole purpose to post a book review, you read books a bit differently.  This book is called Shaken and it's by Tim Tebow.

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect since I am not a huge football fan.  I knew of him and that he played football and was religious.  I think I read somewhere that he doesn't believe in sex before marriage.  You don't hear that much lately.

His book started out with his thoughts on the ups and downs of life and how he handles them through his strong beliefs in God and God's plan for him.  Thorough out this book, Tim describes many people he has met on his journey that are struggling with life and death.  Their beliefs remind him how thankful he is and how putting your trust in God's plan is the way to live the life he has chosen.

This book was written very simply in that it was easy to read and would appeal to all ages.  I feel like I got to know him a bit more and appreciate the amount of strength and determination he has to put his faith in the Lord.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Book Review

I have recently started a Little Free Library at the office where I work.  One suggestion was to join blogging for books as a great resource for books to add to the library.  Part of the deal is you review the book.  Here we go:

The first book I received was Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes.  I admit I have seen the movie and remember it as a bit boring.  This book is not at all like the movie.  It's even more boring if that is possible.  It's about a restoration of an old house in Tuscany. It includes recipes, gardening directions, weather reports, menus, etc.  It wasn't at all what I was expecting and quite honestly I did not finish it.  I will put this book in my Little Free Library in the hopes that someone will find it to their liking.