Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Melissa Schrivner Love's first novel "Lola" depicts the story of a gang members girlfriend who learns early in life to depend on no one but herself.  Living and working in LA in a the shadow of a man we are drawn in to her story and her life.  This crime thriller will keep your attention and leave you wanting more from this author. I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review.  All books received are placed in my Little Free Library for others to enjoy!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Hum of Angels

I requested the book The Hum of Angels as my choice for review on Blogging for Books.  I enjoy reviewing books for them in exchange for a complimentary copy.  After reading and reviewing I share the book with my co-workers and then we place it in our little free library we have outside our office.

The author Scot McKnight leads us through an eye opening vision of the bible and the angels around us.  His understanding of the bible encourages us to view not only visually but by using all our senses.  

I know that my co-workers will enjoy this book and will open discussions.