Monday, September 30, 2013

Friday Fun

So when did I stop making quilts and start all these other projects?  Between the table runners, tote bags and little zip bags I feel the need to make a QUILT. 

BUT i found a pattern I downloaded from that was begging to be made.  Here is the cover of the pattern and instructions:

A Little Duffle Do It
The directions were clear and detailed.  I added a little twist to in and made my outside fabric with leftover strips from a purple tote bag I made last weekend.  It took a lot longer than I anticipated but it was very detailed and had binding over all the seams inside so there were no raw edges.

Little Duffle Bag

Cute huh?  But 3 1/2 hours for this little bag was more than I would do again.  Here is a photo of it next to my wallet. See how really small it is?  

I think I will make more little bags like I did last week. These ones only took 1 hour each to make. 

I see Christmas gifts in my crafting future!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Jumping in to the blog pond

Quilting and sewing has become a huge part of my life in the past few years.  My Aunt Joan is one of my biggest fans on Facebook and has encouraged me to blog my projects. I have been thinking about it so here goes !!

The sewing "corner"